Finding your path to wellbeing


We design tailored wellbeing courses to support the unique needs of groups and communities across Sussex

We believe wellbeing is for everyone, whatever your age, background or situation. Our workshops and courses are free at the point of access.

We deliver tailored experiential workshops and courses for community groups, organisations,Β  charities and the education sector, empowering people to find their own path to wellbeing.

Our core intervention model introduces a wide range of tools and techniques drawn from ancient practices and backed by research. Together, we’ll find which ones work for you and, crucially, help you turn them into life-long habits.

Find out more (What we do) >

We create tailored wellbeing courses to address issues faced by different groups and communities in Sussex.

Find out more (our approach) >

“This course has been amazing! I’ve learned to take the time to be in the now and notice the beautiful world around me.”
– Sue, Carer

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Our taster sessions are a free and accessible way to explore whether our approach could help your group find their path to wellbeing.

Get in touch to discuss whether a taster session is right for you.>

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Wellbody Wellmind Wellbeing

Health & wellness website

We are a charity running evidence-based wellbeing programmes for everyone!

Wellbody Wellmind Wellbeing

3 days 20 hours ago

🌟 Wellbeing Workshops to Support and Celebrate the Homes for Ukraine Volunteers 🌟 Since February 2022, local community organisations and volunteers from Wealden, Eastbourne, and Lewes have come together to welcome and support over 1800 Ukrainians seeking refuge in East Sussex. πŸ’™ The Wellbody Wellmind Wellbeing charity were invited to

Wellbody Wellmind Wellbeing

3 days 22 hours ago

The Pearce Foundation garden cabin was a hive of activity earlier this week as we delivered bespoke support sessions for our charity partners. Over two productive days, we worked closely with Maria and Nicole from Wellbody Wellmind Wellbeing, and Lindsay White from Community Supporters Our skill-sharer Rich from TwoFirst and

Wellbody Wellmind Wellbeing

3 days 22 hours ago

Wonderful workshops for an amazing group of people πŸ’™

Wellbody Wellmind Wellbeing is feeling grateful.

1 month 4 weeks ago

What a wonderful year its been! We thought we'd take a moment to stop and celebrate all we've been able to do this year, thanks to the incredible support we've had from our trustees, our funders, The Pearce Foundation , 3VA - Voluntary Action in Eastbourne, Lewes and Wealdenand all

Wellbody Wellmind Wellbeing

2 months 2 weeks ago

So grateful for the year of beautifully tailored support we received from the Pearce Foundation - thank you πŸ™πŸ½πŸ’™

Wellbody Wellmind Wellbeing is feeling delighted.

3 months 3 days ago

We're SO delighted to be able to share our newly redesigned website with you all. A huge big thank you to the team at The Pearce Foundation for making all this possibleπŸ™πŸ½ We love it and we hope you do too - all feedback welcome! Nicole and Maria πŸ’™

Wellbody Wellmind Wellbeing updated their cover photo.

3 months 3 days ago

Wellbody Wellmind Wellbeing

4 months 8 hours ago

Maria and I loved running a 6-week Wellbeing course for C-SAW Carers Support and Wellbeing CSAW in Lewes, working with an incredible group of carers who support those with addictions. The course was carefully tailored to the group's needs, identified from the very first session. We focused on integrating key

Wellbody Wellmind Wellbeing is feeling grateful.

4 months 3 weeks ago

We're so thankful to the The Pearce Foundation for all their incredible support they have given us in so many different ways over the past year - what an incredibly growthful and positive year it's been for usπŸŒΏπŸŒ±β˜˜οΈπŸ’š

Wellbody Wellmind Wellbeing

6 months 4 days ago

So looking forward to running this course with C-SAW 🌿